Why subscribe?

During the last six years of running a design studio, and a 20 year career in design, I’ve been confronted by many inspiring insights from working with clients across the globe. This newsletter will share insights and provocations on the evolving nature of digital design collected from client work, personal experience, and my continuous desire to learn about the field of design.

Many of these topics are also what I share internally as the Head of Creative in the Amsterdam Studio of argodesign. The Studio Weekly will unsurprisingly be published weekly, aimed at all career levels, and kept short form around 500 words - I hope. 

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I’d love to get to know more designers globally, and welcome input, comments, and other insights. As the default text from Substack says - “Be part of a community of people who share your interests.”

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to The Studio Weekly

Sharing a mix of insights, provocations, and outlooks on design, based on the evolution of our discipline and technology.


Head of Creative at argodesign - Traveler, Entrepreneur, Explorer